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GREAT FITNESS EXPERIMENT: One Year Of Trying Everything

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ITDG Publishing
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Body image and fitness are hot topics for both men and women. The Great Fitness Experiment is a funny and informative guide through the morass of contradictory claims and information in today’s health- and fitness-obsessed world. Charlotte Hilton Andersen tries a new workout each month for a year in an attempt to discover what works, what doesn't, and what’s just plain weird. She delves into such subjects as the Action Hero Workout, Cross Fit Training, Going Vegan, Double Cardio, and others. Interspersed between the chapters on the monthly experiments, Andersen offers personal essays on everything from her past experiences with eating disorders to testing the ugliest fitness shoes on the planet to lesson about, as she puts it 'what I’ve learned from being a girl in our body-obsessed culture.' She writes candidly about her history of anorexia, orthorexia, and 'general-low-self-esteem-exia,' including anecdotes about the effects of the health craze on her students, friends, and gym buddies.

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