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LANGUAGE CODES: The Object Now Is To Speak A Conscious Language Of Clarity

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Johnston, R Neville
Weiser Books
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This book starts where NLP stops! The Language Codes is built on the premise that we all live in a Quantum Field. We are vibrating, everything is vibrating. Whenever we emit a vibration by speaking a word, that vibration programs the field. Since we have been brought up in a dysfunctional environment, taught a dysfunctional language, most of what we say is dysfunctional. The word 'need' is a perfect example of a dysfunctional word. If you say, 'Dear God, I need something', your prayer is instantly answered. You need something. That's what you asked for and it was answered. The word 'need' is a short circuit in the quantum field. As we become more conscious, our language becomes conscious. If we speak more consciously we become more conscious. It doesn't matter which comes first. The point of this book is to render us more conscious. First we learn some short circuits, then we discuss words of empowerment. The book ends with words of a new paradigm.


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