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APPLIED MAGIC - introduction by Gareth Knight

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Fortune, Dion
Weiser Books
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Applied Magic is a selection of Dion Fortune's writings on the practical applications of magical and esoteric techniques. The whole of existence is not just what our five senses can comprehend. There is a whole kingdom of mind and spirit that comes from another plane of existence -- the cosmos -- where mystics and poets have gone to reach another kind of knowing. Everyone has the ability to access these invisible planes of existence -- and to bring themselves into harmony with the great Cosmic Forces. Fortune also discusses practical applications, the group mind, the psychology of ritual, the three kinds of reality, and people who have been involved in esoteric study. She provides invaluable guidance to anyone intent on increasing inner awareness. She declares, 'Esoteric tradition admits of no exclusiveness; it sees all religions as the expressions of our spirit rather than the personal revelation of a jealous God to His chosen people. It suffers from neither superstitious awe nor bigoted fear'. This edition includes a glossary that defines terms used in the study of the Western Mystery Tradition when she was teaching her group in London, a new introduction by Gareth Knight, and an index.


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