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Seale, Alan
Weiser Books
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Intuitive Living -- A Sacred Path provides enlightened guidance into the often subtle and confusing realm of intuitive communication. We learn that intuition, in its highest form, flows directly from the spirit that lies deeply within the essence of us all. It is an essential knowing, whether through words, images, or feelings, that lies beyond ordinary thought. In fact, intuitive awareness develops hand-in-hand with our willingness to step beyond the intellectual mind. Alan Seale tells us that intuition, the inner voice of Spirit, is the foundation of a mystical life and he teaches us how to develop increased sensitivity and awareness of that voice. This modern guidebook to spiritual growth starts with the awakening of self-awareness; awareness of our bodies, our feelings, our thoughts and the energy that flows through every cell of our being. It leads us to the inner states of freedom and peace, seen not as the absence of conflict, but rather a response based on a deeply rooted knowledge thatno matter what is happening around you, nothing can harm you at your center. Seale works with the tool of meditation and shows how we can open to the language of love and Spirit. He then examines the fascinating world of energy, and follows this vibrating life force through the chakras or vital energy centers. Seale explores linear and simultaneous time, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, levels of spiritual energy, spirit guides and teachers, intuitive readings and other aspects of intuitive development so we can learn to tune in and clearly receive the guidance provided by the stream of images that flows through the deeper levels of consciousness. Because of the multi-layered andmany-staged nature of the journey, Intuitive Living -- A Sacred Path can effectively guide both the novice and experienced spiritual explorer. The forty-five exercises and meditations speak to us in profoundly different ways

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