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PSYCHIC DREAMWALKING: Explorations At The Edge Of Self

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Belanger, Michelle
Weiser Books
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No single book ever before has brought together the history, theory and practice of dreamwalking-entering into another's dreamspace, even though you may be physically at a great distance. Michelle Belanger, the author of Psychic Vampire Codex, takes readers on an adventure into the subconscious world of dreams, territory that no amount of psychology or research has fully charted. This absorbing account, beginning with the author's own first experience of dreamwalking in a school bus as a child, both explains the phenomenon and teaches the techniques of dreamwalking. Nobody knows exactly what happens when we dream, but practicing dreamwalking can and will open a whole new world in which the connections between ourselves, our spirit selves, and others, the meaning of dreams, and the relationship of dreaming to other energy work and magick becomes clear.


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