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ELEMENTAL LOVE STYLES: Find Compatibility & Create A Lasting Relationship

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Atria Books/Beyond Words
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Every day, millions of people turn to books, online dating sites, and marriage counselors with one goal in mind: to find—and keep—the romantic partner of their dreams. In Elemental Love Styles, counselor, astrologer, and interfaith minister Dr. Craig Martin gives readers the tools to identify and work with their unique roles and desires—and maximize their romantic relationships as a result. Using the language of the four elements, readers easily identify their element and embrace their deeper needs for love: creative Fire, who desires recognition; intellectual Air, who flourishes with freedom; emotional and intuitive Water, who thrives with reassurance; and practical Earth—dependable, strong, and solid. Packed with tips, tools, and examples, Elemental Love Styles, will help anyone wanting to create and maintain a deep, personal, and lasting relationship—beginning with loving yourself. Elemental Love Styles does not judge readers or their partners for being who they are, but rather opens up possibilities for compatibility and happiness. With a perspective set on love and collaboration, readers gain self-knowledge and cooperative skills, not just tools and tricks for temporary fixes. Regardless of who we are or what kind of relationship we desire, Dr. Martin affirms that we each have the opportunity for relationship happiness when we understand our own deeper need for love.

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