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ASPIRIN: The Miracle Drug

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Metcalf, Eric
Avery Publishing Group Inc.,U.S.
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Forget apples-keep the doctor away with just one aspirin a day. Open any medicine cabinet coast-to-coast and you're nearly guaranteed to find a bottle of aspirin crowded among the lotions and other pills. Aspirin has been used to cure headaches, arthritis, fevers, and inflammation since Hippocrates first began grinding willow bark for his patients. Now go beyond pain relief and take charge of your future health with a simple plan proven to dramatically reduce the risk of the major medical killers such as heart disease, breast cancer, and stroke. Aspirin: The Miracle Drug is the first and only book to reveal the wide-ranging health benefits derived from taking just one aspirin a day. Thousands of medical studies have determined that aspirin lessens the chance of developing many serious conditions. Individual chapters target specific diseases and their prevention and treatment, including: - breast, prostate, and colon cancer - Alzheimer's disease and age-related memory loss - stroke, hypertension, and vascular disease - leukemia and Hodgkin's disease - heart disease. Medical writer Eric Metcalf also details the dangers of drug-drug interactions, drug-herb interactions, and possible complications for people who have certain health conditions.


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