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Book Tree, The
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This book is a tribute to the life and work of Zecharia Sitchin. He was a pioneer who left a great legacy behind regarding our ancient past and the origins of mankind. He taught us to think in new ways based on his breakthrough research and exciting discoveries. Sitchin was one of about 200 people who could translate the first form of writing on the earth - ancient Sumerian cuneiform script. By combining translated text with modern scientific knowledge and archaeological discoveries, he pieced together in his books a more complete mosaic of mankind's shrouded past. He believed that mythological stories were not figments of people's imaginations, but records of events that had actually taken place, and spent his life proving it. As modern science catches up with ancient knowledge, we have continued to discover, largely through Sitchin's work, that the gods were once here and that they may be coming back. M. J. Evans, Ph.D., presents in this work an extremely well researched overview of Sitchin's contributions to the knowledge of ourselves and our true origins. His work is put within the framework of a new paradigm, which is looming on the horizon. It will grow as our minds continue to open and new discoveries continue to corroborate his findings.

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