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SECRET ART OF SEAMM-JASANI: 58 Movements For Eternal Youth From Ancient Tibet

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Seamm-Jasani, an ancient Tibetan movement system, teaches us how to look and feel younger than our biological age, to increase health and decrease illness, and to find inner peace, calm, and relaxation. More than 10,000 years ago in the ancient Himalayan Mountains, an ancestral civilization committed itself to the study and development of the Science and Art for Eternal Youth. A form kept in close secrecy for millennia is now revealed for the first time in this practical and dynamic guidebook. The teachings focus on cultivating the powers of the individual's mind, the harmony of movements, and the discovery of internal potentialites as the ultimate force of self-healing to extend one's lifetime. Comparable to a cross between yoga and tai chi, this ancient Tibetan system is designed to increase vitality, balance, and Inner Energy. The Secret Art consists of slow and fluid movements that improve coordination and strengthen equilibrium between body and mind through various breathing and movement techniques. In particular, Seamm-Jasani is known for its combination of relaxation, active motion, and breathing exercises. Features lay-flat binding.


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