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EVOLUTION ANGEL: An Emergency Physician's Lessons With Death & The Divine

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Michael, R Todd
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R. Todd Michael was medical director of a level-three trauma center when he had his own brush with death before being saved by the voice of an angel. In this collection of true stories from the emergency room, Dr. Michael relates his experiences with dying patients and the angels that invariably attend these critical rites of passage. Eventually he began communicating with an angel who was sent to aid us in our human evolution. Evolution, as described in The Evolution Angel, is a quantum leap, a jump to a completely new and higher level of being. What exactly is that higher level of being, and how do we achieve it? The Evolution Angel provides fascinating lessons, wisdom, and insight into turning our human journey into one where we can not only communicate with the Spirit World, but we can access this otherworldly wisdom in our lives at any moment. Answering questions about the purpose of our lives, life after death, and the nature of our soul, this astounding book has already changed countless lives of those who have heard this in-demand speaker, or read his self-published edition that has sold thousands. Inspirational, poignant, and wise, The Evolution Angelis a guide for everyone who wants to learn about living at the highest level, and is curious about what happens to the soul after we die.

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