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MANDALA WORKBOOK: A Creative Guide For Self-Exploration, Balance & Well-Being

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Mandala-making is fun, relaxing, and can show you things about yourself that may surprise you. Susanne Fincher invites you to make mandala creation a practice, and to experience the insights and delights it can provide. Based on ancient European artifacts, contemporary religious iconography, and traditional tantric art, mandalas are circular designs that offer a profound symbol of the wholeness of the self.The Mandala Workbook offers a complete guide to mandala work, based on the Great Round—the twelve archetypal stages that represent a complete cycle of personal growth. Each chapter focuses on one stage and aims to fully engage readers in the meaning or purpose of that stage. Through a variety of step-by-step exercises and activities, each chapter provides mandala-making projects to help connect readers with the transformative powers of the mandala.Building on her previous books, Susanne Fincher highlights connections between the archetypal imagery of circles and working toward a balanced wholeness of self. This book combines theory and philosophy with practical and creative methods to present an engaging and hands-on approach to mandala work.


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