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HOLY COW: The Hare Krishna Contribution To Vegetarianism & Animal Rights

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Rosen, Steven
Lantern Books
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Holy Cow explores the often neglected connection between spirituality and diet, using the accomplishments of the Hare Krishna movement as a basis for this discussion. Krishna devotees have long been known for their extremely tasty vegetarian cuisine as well as for their pronounced views on animal rights, both stemming from a philosophy of compassion for all living entities. Unlocking these aspects of their philosophy and practice, Holy Cow takes readers into an esoteric world of Eastern wisdom and culinary delight. The growth of the modern-day Hare Krishna movement in the 1960s coincided with the growth of vegetarianism as an expression of nonviolence in a time of objectionable warfare. That is, 'Hare Krishna' and vegetarianism enjoyed a contemporary as well as historical synchronicity. In fact, Holy Cow makes it clear that devotees of Krishna in many ways spearheaded the widespread appreciation of vegetarianism and animal rights in the United States and in Europe as well. Thus, Holy Cow focuses on the Krishna movement's pioneering and even visionary efforts in popularizing vegetarian cuisine and the compassionate treatment of animals in the West -- how they did so from the days of their first Sunday Love Feast (in 1966) and how they continue to do so in the present day. Book jacket.


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