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Basic Health Publications
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Most people's diets are woefully inadequate for providing proper nutrition. Even good diets fail to deliver sufficient levels of nutrients. The Vitamin Cure book series highlights the safe and clinically effective use of vitamin supplements for a variety of illnesses. Research continues to prove the immense value of vitamins for maintaining health and fighting disease. The Vitamin Cure books, written by authors who are recognized experts in their field, give you authoritative, up-to-date, and practical information on taking vitamins for particular health problems. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an elusive, difficult-to-treat condition in which the entire human organism has gone out of kilter. Symptoms include fatigue, muscle and joint pain, feeling unwell after exercise, unrefreshing sleep, and memory/concentration problems. A combination of factors is implicated in the development of CFS: allergies, nervous system dysfunction, environmental toxins, immune dysfunction, and oxidative stress. Unfortunately, mainstream medicine relies on a piecemeal and inadequate approach to the problem. This groundbreaking book directly addresses the myriad causes of CFS and offers restorative vitamin and other treatments capable of safely reducing symptoms. Orthomolecular (megavitamin) therapy encompasses common over-the-counter vitamins, in combination with sound medical and scientific evidence. These natural treatments can provide profound relief for those with chronic fatigue.

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