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ALCHEMICAL HEALING: A Guide To Spiritual, Physical & Transformational Medicine

$20.00 each

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Scully, Nicki
Bear & Company
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Combines shamanism, alchemy, and energy medicine to create a unique healing modality• Explores how to turn the base substance of who you are--the dark mystery of your subconscious--into the alchemical gold of knowledge and enlightenment• Includes techniques of distant healing and working with power animals and plant, mineral, and elemental spirits• Shows how to utilize the Universal Life Force to reawaken inherent healing abilitiesAlchemical Healing brings together innovative techniques of shamanism and energetic healing with the principles of alchemy, creating a practical form of physical healing, therapeutic counseling, and spiritual growth. The author provides ways to integrate spirit and matter, to develop communications between divinity and humanity, to retrieve knowledge, and to influence physical reality in order to achieve healing and transformation. With simple directions, readers are guided through attunements and empowerments that access the Universal Life Force energy and a five-element system for healing themselves and others. They learn powerful techniques, such as psychic surgery, distant healing, and how to work with power animals and plant, mineral, and elemental spirit guides. Alchemical Healing presents a sacred journey into the most profound principles and mysteries of creation. It offers both an art form and a spiritual path that develops one's ability to co-create the future with the wisdom of the spirit world.


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