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HERMETIC CODE IN DNA: The Sacred Principles In The Ordering Of The Universe

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Hayes, Michael
Inner Traditions
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An examination of the precise code that connects ancient spirituality with modern science • Shows how the numerical patterns in ancient philosophies are evident in both the structure of the universe and the helical structure of DNA • Reveals that music theory comes from an intuitive understanding of the resonant harmony of the cosmos Many have observed the distinct numerical patterns embedded in ancient philosophies and religions from all over the world; others have noted that these same patterns are apparent in many of the theories of groundbreaking science. Michael Hayes reveals that there is a precise code, the Hermetic Code, that connects these patterns--information once known to ancient cultures but apparently lost over time. Mirrored in the structure of this code are the ordering principles of the universe and, intriguingly, also the harmonic ratios of music. Our notions of what is harmonious in music may therefore arise not from an abstract aesthetic sense but as a response to an intuition of a fundamental cosmic harmony.The resonance between biology and cosmology shows that life is music, complete with “overtones”--nowhere more strikingly present than in the helical structure of life itself: DNA.


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