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BACH FLOWERS FOR CRISIS CARE: Remedies For Emotional & Psychological Well-Being

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Healing Arts Press
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Bach Flower remedies for managing psychological and emotional crises • Presents 50 case studies of common crisis situations--from divorce to losing one’s job or the death of a loved one--and the Bach Flower remedies used to provide relief • Shows how Bach Flower remedies offer a means to transform a crisis into an opportunity for growth The fast-paced tempo of modern life has eroded many of the traditional support systems used by our ancestors for aid in a crisis. Individuals are often left feeling powerless in such highly stressful situations as divorce, moving, generation-gap issues, losing one’s job, and the death of a loved one. In Bach Flowers for Crisis Care, Mechthild Scheffer examines 50 common life crises and how the 38 Bach Flower remedies can be used to turn these situations into opportunities for growth. Bach Flowers create a therapeutic connection between the material and the spiritual domains of life, helping us access the inner guidance needed to navigate through a crisis. Each of the 38 flower remedies supports a different aspect of the psychic potential of human nature: Gentian, the belief flower, promotes optimism; Holly, the heart-opening flower, promotes an understanding of others; Honeysuckle, the past flower, helps us move forward without holding on to the past; White Chestnut, the thought flower, promotes clear thinking. Each remedy offers its own spiritual orientation and guidance as well as healing for the body. In the detailed appendix that lists the strengths and benefits of each flower, the author shows you how to create personalized remedies that address your current condition for maximum self-treatment--and transform a crisis into a real opportunity for growth.

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