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SCIENCE WAS WRONG: Startling Truths About Cures, Theories & Inventions "They" Declared Impossible

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Career Press
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Two months before the Wright brothers' historic flight at Kitty Hawk, a top scientist declared that 'no possible combination of known substances, known forces of machinery and known forms of force can be united in a practical (flying) machine...' Germ theory was first advanced in ancient Sanskrit texts thousands of years ago, but wasn't widely accepted until late in the 19th century. Space travel was declared 'utter bilge' in 1956 by the British astronomer Royal, one of a long line of scientists who 'proved' it was impossible. Throughout history, it has been difficult, even impossible, to promote the acceptance of new discoveries. Yet during the last two centuries, there has been a veritable explosion of new cures, theories, techniques, and inventions that have revolutionized aviation, space travel, communications, medicine, and warfare. Most of them, of course, were deemed 'impossible.' Science Was Wrong is a fascinating collection of stories about the pioneers who created or thought up the 'impossible' cures, theories, and inventions 'they' said couldn't work. How many have suffered or died because cures weren't accepted? How many inventions have been quashed? How much progress was delayed or denied? You will end up shaking your head in disbelief and even disgust as you learn the answers.

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