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WHEN GOD SPOKE TO ME: The Inspiring Stories Of Ordinary People Who Have Received Divine Guidance & Wisdom

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Career Press
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Have you ever questioned whether your inspiration, insight, or sudden shift in experience was the result of divine guidance or communication?When God Spoke to Meis a collection of inspiring stories from ordinary people that shares the many ways God speaks to all of us in our lives. As these touching accounts demonstrate, hearing Gods voice has the power to: Heal your emotional and physical wounds. Mend your relationships. Provide life-altering guidance and direction when you need it most. Instill within you a profound experience of peace, love, and awareness of your union with God. From these touching first-person accounts, you will discover: The many ways ordinary people just like you are touched by the voice of God. The dramatic effects that hearing Gods voice can have in your life. How to recognize the ways you may already be hearing Gods voice without knowing it. How to receive guidance, healing, and communication from God in new and life-changing ways. If you experience uncertainty, challenge, or pain in your life,When God Spoke to Mewill give you hope, comfort, and the knowledge that you are not alone.

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