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HOW TO WORK FOR AN IDIOT: Survive & Thrive Without Killing Your Boss

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Was it a typo when the CEO mandated that the organization 'institutionalize incompetents'? If not, how did the company wind up institutionalizing incompetence instead? How to Work for an Idiot is still the confessions of a recovering Idiot Boss. After decades of writing and consulting, Dr. Hoover finally realized that many of the people he kept trying to 'energize' and 'enlighten' were, well, idiots. More importantly, he was an idiot for thinking he could change them.This new edition of How to Work for an Idiot is bigger and better--and filled with even more idiots--than before. The same technology that has enabled cluelessness from the corner office to go viral can help you protect yourself and keep your inner idiot incheck. Yes, the book goes that deep. Not every boss is an idiot, and not every idiot is a boss. Let Dr. Hoover help you find the wisdom to know the difference.


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