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JUST ONE THING: Developing A Buddha Brain One Simple Practice At A Time

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New Harbinger Pubns Inc
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In Buddha's Brain, Rick Hanson explained the neuroscience underlying meditation and helped readers maximize the benefits of mindfulness for greater happiness and peace of mind. Building on the success of Buddha's Brain, Just One Thing presents over fifty simple practices readers can do that can have a dramatic positive impact on their lives. Just one simple practice can make big changes in readers' lives by gradually increasing readers' capacity for joy, relaxation, and gratitude. Each practice is grounded in neuroscience and positive psychology. The book offers information on why the practice is important and how it works, guidance for performing the practice, and additional resources readers can use to delve deeper into that particular type of practice. Some of the practices encourage readers to focus on gratitude for what they have, while others offer guidance for taking refuge and slowing down in stressful times. All of the practices are designed to gradually change the way readers process their emotions and create new neural pathways for greater happiness and fulfillment.

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