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SAGE'S TAO TE CHING: Ancient Advice For The Second Half Of Life--Tenth Anniversary Edition

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The tenth anniversary edition of William MartinÆs free-verse interpretation of the Tao Te Ching, written expressly for those coming into the fullness of their wisdomLao TzuÆs Tao Te Ching, one of the worldÆs most widely read books of wisdom, reminds its readers that the sage has been venerated in China for thousands of years. In this free-verse interpretation of the Tao, William Martin subtly and powerfully captures the complex emotions connected with growing older. He encourages todayÆs sages to recognize their inestimable worth in a youth-centric world that often goes astray: ?Will I be able to harvest my life in compassion and love for the world? Will I find in my own heart the wisdom for which I long? This question trumps all others for me. I suspect it is the same for you.ö

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