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RELAX IN THE CITY WEEK BY WEEK: 52 Practical Skills To Help You Beat Stress & Find Peace

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Elkin, Allen
Duncan Baird
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Living and working in the city can be thrilling - and incredibly stressful. Too often it means enduring crowds, noise, pollution, traffic jams, and long lines. Relax in the City Week by Week looks at how the city takes its toll on body and mind, and offers 52 practical solutions - as well as plenty of expert advice - on ways to turn urban living into a more mellow and positive experience. With one simple, step-by-step exercise for each week of the year, this handy guide shows readers how to live an urban life free from tension and ill health and discover all that is wonderful and exciting about living in a city or town. Sample strategies include keeping a 'hurry log' to see if you're rushing around too much, and creating a cozy 'personal haven' in the home - especially necessary if you think you're 'too busy' to do it.


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