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MYSTERIES OF THE ORACLES: The Last Secrets Of Antiquity

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Vandenberg, Philipp
Tauris Parke Paperbacks
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The oracles are one of the great mysteries of the ancient world. Doorways to the underworld, foretellers of the future, decision-makers for kings and paupers alike, their power and mysticism held sway over civilisations and continues to capture the imagination. Two thousand years after the oracles were consulted by the ancients, Philipp Vandenberg set out on a quest to learn the mysteries of the oracles and uncover one of the best-kept secrets in antiquity. His journey involved 3 years, 15 oracles and countless revelations. The quest and what it uncovered proves at times shocking and disturbing and ultimately reveals a wealth of hidden knowledge about the ancient world: who, or what, really influenced some of the most consequential decisions of the time and fundamentally altered the course of history itself.


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