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ORDINARY SECRETS: Notes For Your Spiritual Journey

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Southard, Robert Y
O Books
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Have you spent 20 years in a Tibetan monastery studying with monks, or sequestered yourself away in a cave on a mountain, meditating and living on bread and water? Bob Southard hasn't either. He has spent many years learning from and working with shamans from many countries and traditions, but has found that even this isn't necessary. In Ordinary Secrets, Bob shares his distilled wisdom of 25 years of searching, leading him to understand how an ordinary person can have an extraordinary spiritual journey. He shares discoveries that have helped him on his journey, such as states of mind (for example, living in the present and being open to learn) and important tools (such as journeys, intentions and affirmations) that will help you find the true spirituality inside yourself. This is a highly experiential book with many journeys presented to help you on your path. You are encouraged to find and travel on your path, not his or anyone else's, and to trust yourself in this most exciting and important spiritual journey.


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