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Jessica Kingsley Pub
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Mudras, or 'yoga of the hands', has been recognised for centuries as a simple yet effective healing tool, known to prevent and cure illnesses and bring about spiritual regeneration. This book examines Mudras from ancient times to its modern day usage, and teaches how regular practice can rejuvenate your body and mind and transform your everyday life. Covering everything from understanding the theories of Mudras to how to perform the exercises yourself, this insightful and informative book is all you need to gain an in-depth understanding of a form of yoga that has already helped thousands of people. A holistic view of physical and spiritual healing is complemented by clear illustrations explaining exactly how to use Mudras to your benefit, and chapters explore everything from their use in dance and martial arts to diet and the practice of visualisation. Further sections look at how combining Mudras with positive colours, foods, thoughts and ambience can drastically improve your wellbeing, assigning specific positions to relevant conditions and covering a wide range of physical ailments and emotional conditions. It takes minutes to perform, and can be done anywhere at any time - yet the effects are hugely beneficial. This book is a must for anyone who wants to unlock their inner spirituality and change their daily lives. Mudras is believed to be the key to spiritual and mental wellbeing, and will radically enhance every aspect of your existence.

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