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BRAIN POWER: Working Out The Human Mind

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Greenfield, Susan
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What is it about our brains that makes us different from other animals and unique as individuals? Brainpower looks at the answers to this question and at the ways in which our minds identify who we are, what we can do and how we feel.The human brain is the most mysterious and complicated structure in the universe. For years doctors and scientists have striven to understand the workings of the brain. But as the millennium draws to a close, recent research and discoveries -- many presented in this fascinating book -- challenge previous ideas about the brain and provide the basis for an exciting new era of discovery.Susan Greenfield has gathered six of the foremost experts in various 'mind' disciplines -- from psychology to pharmacology -- to explain the brain's complexities in easy-to-follow chapters. Each discipline looks at the brain through the sequence of a human life, from its development in the womb, during infancy, to its heightened learning abilities in adolescence and finally, to the 'wisdom of age'.This full-color book: -- looks at the workings of the mind from both the physical and the psychological viewpoint-- clearly explains the ways in which our minds do -- and do not -- work-- presents an optimistic view of the brain's increasing powers as we age-- offers the reader the experts' answers to the top fifty questions about the brain.


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