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RETURN OF THE CHILDREN OF LIGHT: Incan & Mayan Prophecies For A New World

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Polich, Judith Bluestone
Inner Tradition
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A personal exploration of the conjunction between ancient Mesoamerican prophesy and New Age higher consciousness.• Selected by the Independent Publisher's Book Awards as one of the top two New Age books of the year.• Explores ancient prophesies and their relevance in the contemporary world.The Incan and Mayan cultures saw themselves as 'children of light'--descended from celestial realms--and their prophecies foretell a time of great spiritual awakening. They prophesied a time when the gateways to higher consciousness would open once again. That time is now. Award-winning author Judith Bluestone Polich draws on her extensive research in quantum physics, archeoastronomy, holography, cosmology, and pioneering studies of human consciousness to show how science and contemporary thought are consistent with this ancient knowledge. As the ancients predicted, the human god-seed is beginning to awaken, and modern civilization is finally beginning to perceive human potential in ways that the ancient cultures accepted as truth. Polich introduces techniques for awakening our own human potential through dreaming, meditations, and the power of sacred sites.


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