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MOON LORE: Lunar Tales Of Wisdom & Magic - b&w illustrations

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Pepper, Elizabeth
The Witches' Almanac Ltd
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'All hail to thee, Queen of heaven!Thou showest two horns to mark six days, And on the seventh will divide thy crown in two. On the fourteenth day, turn thy full face unto us.'Seven is the Moon's mystic number, because each one of its four phases is completed in seven days. Nineteen is a sacred number in Old Irish and Celtic lore, for the sequence of Moon phases within a single zodiac sign is repeated every 19 years. As both the largest and the brightest object in the night sky, and the only one to appear in phases, the Moon has been a rich source of myth for as long as there have been myth-makers. Elizabeth Pepper's 'Moon Lore' is a compendium of lunar tales, charms, chants, and curses from ancient time to the present.


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