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SUMMER DANCE OF THE FIREFLIES - illustrated by Noel Flynn

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Connolly, Ed
Red Hen Pr
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Summer Dance of the Fireflies is an enchanting children's book which will appeal to young and old readers alike. Combining elements of Buddhist philosophy, dreamlike Native American images, and old-fashioned story telling, Summer Dance of the Fireflies creates a world of sacred spaces, fireflies that weave magic and community building. Ed Connolly gives us a story that we would read to our grandparents and to our children. In a world, torn apart by grief, suspicion, and unattainable longings, this story gives us desire, love, peace in a series of events that takes the reader full circle. Summer Dance of the Fireflies brings back the world of George MacDonald, the preacher who learned story telling surrounded by dozens of children and created inventive spaces that spoke of eternal mysteries.


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