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LOVE IS A FIRE: The Sufi's Mystical Journey Home

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Vaughan-Lee, Llewellyn
The Golden Sufi Center
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The work of The Golden Sufi Center is to make available the teachings of the Sufi path.Based on live talks and meetings with Vaughan-Lee, this is an introduction to the passion and wisdom of the Sufi path of love. The call of the heart and how it draws us back to divine union is one of mankind's greatest secrets, and for the Sufi, this love is a fire that burns away all traces of separation. Vaughan-Lee teaches how to live this burning and describes stages of the path of love on the soul's journey home.Love Is a Fire includes descriptions of the 'friends of God', early Sufi saints who burned with the fire of divine love, including Rumi, Ibn 'Arabi, and Rabi'a. It also introduces elements of the path and important tools which purify the wayfarer: tauba, the moment of the turning of the heart when the soul remembers its divine origin; dhikr, the central Sufi practice of remembrance of God through repetition of the name of God or a sacred phrase; meditation, a way of drowning thoughts in the fire of love; and dreamwork, a way of listening and attuning to the mystery of what is hidden within us -- the stories of our deeper selves.


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