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SHAMANIC SECRETS FOR PHYSICAL MASTERY - Explorer Race Material Mastery Series

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Shapiro, Robert
Light Technology Publications
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The purpose of this book is to allow you to understand the sacred nature of your own physical body and some of the magnificent gifts it offers you. When you work with your physical body in these new ways, you will discover not only its sacredness, but how it is compatible with Mother Earth, the animals, the plants, even the nearby planets, all of which you now recognize as being sacred in nature. It is important to feel the value of oneself physically before one can have any lasting physical impact on the world. The less you think of yourself physically, the less likely your physical impact on the world will be sustained by Mother Earth. If a physical energy does not feel good about itself, it will usually be resolved; other physical or spiritual energies will dissolve it because it is unnatural. The better you feel about your physical self when you do the work in the previous book, 'Shamanic Secrets for Material Mastery, as well as in this one and the one to follow, the greater and more lasting will be the,benevolent effect on your life, on the lives of those around you and ultimately on your planet and universe. Clearing techniques and many other topics included


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