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Earth is Moving Closer to the Fifth Dimension and New Spiritual Ideas and Technologies are Becoming Available for Rebalancing Our World Teachings From the Sacred Triangle Native ceremonies to connect to Earth healing energies. Thought projections and thought communication to communicate with Earth. A new spiritual paradigm to help humankind transition into the next evolutionary stage. Using sacred areas of the Earth, we can establish spiritual corridors with the fifth dimension. The Sacred Triangle Represents the Integration of Three Spiritual Sources for Healing the Earth: 1) The Native American spirituality and the spiritual work of the indigenous peoples of the world. 2) The mystical energy found in all the major religions in the world including Christianity, the Kabbalah, Hinduism, Sufism and the ascended masters. 3) Fifth-dimensional galactic spirituality, which includes energy from extradimensional masters such as the Arcturians and Pleiadians.


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