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SCIENCE OF LIFE AFTER DEATH: New Research Shows Human Consciousness Lives On

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Oaklea Press
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The question has been around since the first humanoid climbed down from a tree and walked onto the ancient African savanna: What happens when we die? Does our consciousness continue? Is it possible to communicate with the living? How? Are we reborn? If so, how can this be reconciled with modern scientific principles? Or can it? Is something missing from current biological and reproductive theory? Scientists at The Universities of Virginia, Maryland and Arizona as well as The Windbridge Research Institute for Applied Research in Human Potential and others have been researching these questions and now have answers. The author, host of the network radio show THE TRUTH ABOUT LIFE, shares what he has learned from them in this down-to-earth, pleasurable-to-read book meant for the general public. After all, we all will eventually cross the border and enter into what William Shakespeare called 'that undiscovered country.' As long as we have to take the trip, wouldn't it make sense to have an idea where, if anywhere at all, we're headed?


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