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EXTRAORDINARY HEALING: How The Discoveries Of Mirko Beljanski, The World's First Green Molecular Biologist, Can Protect

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Extraordinary Healing documents the story of French scientist Mirko Beljanski, a pioneer of environmental medicine. Beljanski's discovery of destabilized DNA and the specific plant molecules that can help restore DNA to a healthy state and stop pathological cells from replicating have led to unexpected positive results and prolonged survival for thousands of cancer patients, including French President FranCcedil;ois Mitterrand. Previously well-known only in France (where citizens picketed in the streets to be able to use the same protocols which extended the life of President Mitterand), Beljanski's protocols are now gaining popularity in the U.S. and are being used by scientists at Columbia University. L. Stephen Coles, M.D., Ph.D., an expert on supercentenarians-people who live beyond the age of 110-gives an insightful account of the revolutionary approach to prevention and support pioneered by Beljanski, who spent thirty years at the prestigious Pasteur Institute in Paris. A compelling tale of a courageous and brilliant scientist, Extraordinary Healing illuminates the promise of specific, natural plant molecules in the restoration and protection of cellular health. It is a must-read for anyone in the field of cancer research.

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