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LEARNING TO EXPERIENCE THE ETHERIC WORLD: Empathy, The After-Image & A New Social Ethic

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Urieli, Baruch Luke
Temple Lodge Publishing
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Today our world is increasingly characterized by feelings of movement and flux, speed and lack of time, upheaval and revolution. The authors of this book suggest that, in connection with this atmosphere of turmoil, people are beginning to have conscious and semi-conscious experiences of the etheric world; and yet this growing sensitivity to the etheric -- or life -- realm only intensifies the experiences of movement and upheaval. To counter these feelings we must take hold of our inner life and strengthen our 'I' or ego.Featuring essays supplemented with a substantial amount of source material from Rudolf Steiner and other authors, this book introduces us to methods for strengthening our essential self. In particular, we can learn to practice the ability to add to every physical perception -- whether it be of a stone, plant, animal, or human being -- the etheric reality that belongs to it.

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