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ANCIENT WISDOM: Following The Yoga Of The Heart

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Beeken, Jenny
Polair Publishing
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Learn from the wisdom of the Eight Limbs of Yoga. What's behind the postures of yoga? A remarkably relevant philosophy for twenty-first century living. Yet it is also one of the world's oldest. Long before the world's other philosophies had been formed, the Vedas of India recognized a way to reconcile the individual with universal being. The path of yoga, which means union, included posture work, hatha yoga, but the yogas were many and included ways of meditation as well as ethical precepts. Later, they were systematized into the famous Eight Limbs of Yoga. Simple but profound, the ethical precepts of the Eight Limbs can be used alongside the rest of the yoga system to achieve a perfect harmony of body, mind and spirit. ANCIENT WISDOM: FOLLOWING THE YOGA OF THE HEART is a workbook as well as a guide to the whole of yoga. You can integrate postures with inner exploration, and be at peace with the world. It's designed for yoga students, but all will benefit from this brief introduction to a revolutionary and effective way of living.

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