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GLIMPSES OF RAJA YOGA: An Introduction To Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

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Thakar, Vimala
Rodmell Press
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Indian sage Patanjali wrote his famous Yoga Sutras sometime around 250 B.C. and they are still widely regarded as the ultimate text on yoga practice. However, many modern practitioners find his aphorisms too inaccessible, and analysis has tended to obscure rather than reveal their meaning. Vimala Thakar cuts through the mystique by returning to the root meaning of the Sutras' Sanskrit words and reveals, at last, their basic concepts. Glimpses of Raja Yoga provides an in-depth look into the ancient Indian culture that gave rise to the Upanishads and the Yoga Sutras, the dimension of Silence that lies beyond meditation, the yamas (restraints) and niyamas (observances) that form the basis of ethics in yoga, and much more. By demonstrating the direct relevance of the Sutras to modern yoga practice, Glimpses of Raja Yoga opens the spiritual horizons of yoga practitioners everywhere.


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