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IN LIGHT OF KRIYA YOGA: A Guide To Joyful Living

$18.50 each

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Shivananda, Rudra
Alight Publication
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An inspirational journey through the guidance of a Kriya Yoga adept as he sheds light on life, living and the spiritual journey. Suitable for all those interested in expanding their awareness and how to live their lives joyfully. The author speaks from his experiential realization and connects up current events with ancient teachings as well as applying parables to live's dilemmas. He gives thought provoking and unique interpretations on topics such as: Living spiritually in a material world; do you need a Guru? liberation; Self-Realization; karma; dharma; samadhi; devotion and grace; how to develop concentration and meditation; why do good people do bad things? plus many other mysterious of the spirituality. An inspirational and trustworthy campanion for all those seeking to raise their consciousness to ever higher levels.


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