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SECRET VAULT: The Secret Societies' Manipulation Of Sauniere & The Secret Sanctuary Of Notre Dame-De-Marceille

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Adventures Unlimited Press
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In this brilliant work of investigative research, the authors uncover new secrets in the basilica of Notre Dame de Marceille. On the surface, this church is like any other, but it has a hidden dimension, which has been successfully kept secret. Underneath the church lies an underground complex, hidden for more than 500 years, where there was a monetary treasure and a pagan religious site once under the control of the Templars. Both the Compagnie de St. Sacrement, a 17th century secret society, and Saunicre, the priest at the center of the enigma of Rennes-le-Chateau tried to get hold of this underground complex, and its monetary and religious treasure--and of the secret. Here is the full shocking story!


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