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KUNDALINI YOGA: The Mysteries Of The Fire--Unlock The Divine Spiritual Power Within You

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Glorian Publishing
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For thousands of years, many have wondered at the tales of the mysterious force called the serpent power or the kundalini, yet the method to attain this power has been hidden, misunderstood, or sometimes, intentionally sabotaged. Now, like a refreshing spring breeze, Samael Aun Weor wipes away the dust and reveals the sacred mysteries of our most ancient and holy science. With a firm foundation in scripture and practical knowledge, the method to awaken and develop the root energy of life is made clear and accessible to all. It is no longer necessary to theorize or debate: through the practice of the techniques in this book, one can know. You will find terrific secrets within this book, secrets that never in the history of life were published. - Samael Aun Weor


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