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PICKONE: How We All Can Change The World

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Midpoint Trade Books Inc
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A GUIDE FOR CHANGING MILLIONS OF LIVESPickOnewill ignite and guide your passion to make a difference. It makes it easy for you to identify and help the causes that you strongly believe in. Many of us are doing less that we would like because we're bombarded with solicitations, the needs seem overwhelming, we're uncertain of how our money and volunteer efforts will be used, and/or if we feel deeply about a cause, we many not know how to help.PickOneeliminates these hurdles by describing the organizations that are widely praised for their efficiency and effectiveness and are making a real difference.Yes, we see and hear bad news on the media, but what goes unreported is the fact that so many individuals and organizations are doing incredibly powerful things to make this world a better place. You'll find many of them inPickOne.

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