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About The Book : - The one thing that is at once the most predictable and unpredictable about life is death.And yet man lives forgetting death as if he were immortal and,between these two,an outer,visible fact of death and an inner innate sense of immortality hangs the balance of life,-a paradox to which we do not easily find the key. What if death was not an end but a passage and a stage to another life?What if man was more than chemistry and heredity,a soul donning the garb of matter?What if rebirth was not about retribution but an evolution?What if life and death were not opposites but co-workers both conspiring towards a common goal?What if the stories told to us by the learned scientists and the wise sages alike were but half-truths and partial reflections?What is that larger picture,the missing piece of puzzle that would complete the story and make it whole?Is it possible to find that key which would open the doors of a greater Light,so far closed and denied to man?How would our inner psychological and outer practical existence be seen and reshaped in that Light,so far as death is concerned?How would we deal with trauma and loss,suffering and pain,and all other ethical and existential issues with that Light as our support and guide? This book is an attempt to find answers to these and many other related issues,not just theoretically but practically,supported by anecdotes and experiences arising from our brush with death About the Author :- Dr.Alok Pandey is a seeker on the path of Integral Yoga. A psychiatrist by profession he has had several encounters with death during the course of his medical practice.Being a philosopher by temperment,he raised several issues and sought answers to these both within and without.But neither the prevalent scientific and current intellectual notions nor the traditional religious and conventional spiritual beliefs could satisfy his quest or resolve deep existential issues regarding life and death,karma and rebirth,suffering and pain,and most of all the goal of human journey.It is only when he came in touch with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that he found these issues abundantly answered and the thirst of his soul more than quenched by the vast vision and cool refreshing springs of Sri Aurobindo s works and revelation. He is presently associated with the Sri Aurobindo International institute of Integral Health and Researhc.pondichery-an institution dedicated to the work and vision of Sri Aurobindo in the field of health.


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