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TRANSMISSION: A Meditation For The New Age - new edition

$16.00 each

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Creme, Benjamin
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The next step in today's 'spiritual revolution' is putting the gains of personal development to work for the world, says Benjamin Creme, author of 12 books on practical spirituality and life ahead in the new millennium. In a new, expanded 5th edition of his book, Transmission-A Meditation for the New Age, Creme explains that the time is past to focus on one's own spiritual progress without engaging in some form of service. Transmission Meditation, he says, is the simplest way to do both--at the same time. Transmission Meditation is a group service activity which 'steps down' the great spiritual energies that continually stream into our planet, focused by the Masters of Wisdom--our 'Elder Brothers'. This process, which makes the energies more useful to humanity, is like that of electrical transformers, stepping down the power between generators and ordinary outlets. These transformed spiritual energies, Creme explains, are gradually uplifting all life forms and changing our world for the better. 'What is unique about this work,' says Creme, 'is its simplicity. It is a perfect vehicle for the aspirations of very busy people. It is safe, highly scientific, non-denominational, free of any charge, and unbelievably potent. It is a service in which we can involve ourselves for the rest of our lives and know that we are helping in the great transformation to a more just and compassionate world. At the same time I know of no other form of service which makes for such far reaching and fast spiritual growth.' The preface includes Creme's extraordinary account of his 40-year collaboration with a Master of Wisdom, and how it led to his primary work of preparing the way for Maitreya, World Teacher for the coming age.


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