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ART OF LOVING: 50th Anniversary Edition - new edition

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Fromm, Erich
Harper Perennial Modern Classics
The renowned psychoanalyst Erich Fromm has helped millions of men and women achieve rich, productive lives by developing their hidden capacities for love. In this astonishly frank and candid book, he explores the ways in which this extraordinary emotion can alter the whole course of your life. Most of us are unable to develop our capacities for love on the only level that really countsûûa love that is compounded of maturity, selfûknowledge, and courage. Learning to love, like other arts, demands practice and concentration. Even more than any other art it demands genuine insight and understanding. In this startling book, Fromm discusses love in all its aspects; not only romantic love, so surrounded by conceptions, but also love of parents for children, brotherly love, erotic love, selfûlove, and love of God.


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