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MUHAMMAD: A Story Of The Last Prophet

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''Without guides who reached higher consciousness, the world would be bereft of its greatest visionaries - fatally bereft, in fact. Muhammad sensed this aching gap in the world around him. He appeals to me most because he remade the world by going inward. That's the kind of achievement only available on the spiritual path. In the light of what the Prophet achieved, he raises my hope that all of us who lead everyday lives can be touched by the divine. The Koran deserves its place as a song of the soul, tobe celebrated wherever the soul matters.'--From the Introduction Born into the factious world of war-torn Arabia, Muhammad's life is a gripping and inspiring story of one man's tireless fight for unity and peace. In a world where greed and injustice ruled, Muhammad created change by affecting hearts and minds. Just as the story of Jesus embodies the message of Christianity, Muhammad's life reveals the core of Islam. Deepak Chopra shares the life of Muhammad as never before, putting his teachings in a newlight. Following the historical record but offering a unique perspective, Chopra's Muhammad captures the historical prophet but more importantly shows us why his teachings are more important now than ever before'--


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