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WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW!? Discovering The Endless Possibilities For Altering Your Everyday Reality

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Arntz, William & Chasse, Betsy & Vicente, Mark & Forem, Jack & Erwin, Ellen
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Everyone is still talking about the movie What the Bleep Do We Know!? Now comes the paperback edition of the book based on the mind-boggling movie that grossed $11 million in the U.S. alone. As the movie did, this book compels readers to ask themselves Great Questions that will recreate their lives as they know them. With the help of fourteen leading quantum physicists, scientists and spiritual thinkers, this book guides readers on a course from the scientific to the spiritual, and from the universal to the deeply personal. Along the way, it asks such questions as :Are we seeing the world as it really is?What are thoughts made of?What is the relationship between our thoughts and our world?Are we biologically addicted to certain emotions?How can I create my day every day? What the Bleep answers this question and others through an innovative, new approach to self-help and spirituality that's far differentùand more excitingùthan anything else on bookshelves. More than twenty short, focused, interactive chapters take readers on a journey that will integrate the answers to these Great Questions into every aspect of their lives.


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