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THIS IS HOW WE DO IT: The Working Mother's Manifesto

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Evans, Carol
Hudson Street Press
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At last, a book that definitively answers the question 'How does she do it?' for both mothers who work and the companies that employ them At a time when books such as Perfect Madnesslinger on bestseller lists and highly educated women talk about 'opting out' of successful careers because the challenges of 'doing it all' are too great, it seems safe to conclude that working and motherhood don't mix.But for those who want to work and those who mustwork for financial reasons (the majority), This Is How We Do Ittranscends the guilt, stress, and sacrifice associated with working motherhood. Featuring inspiring firsthand accounts of women who are doing it all-all at once-and having the time of their lives, it reveals innovative solutions of how working mothers successfully (and joyfully) balance their careers and families.Drawing on original research culled from five hundred working mothers and on the wisdom of the magazine's nearly three million readers, its twenty-five-year tenure, and the best practices of the highly competitive and celebrated Working Mother100 Best Companies list, This Is How We Do Itis a must-read for the 26 million moms in America who work-as well as the companies who want to attract or keep them-helping readers make the transition from a work life to a life that works.


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