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HAPPINESS FOR TWO: 75 Ways To Find More Joy Together

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Stoddard, Alexandra
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Pursuing happiness sounds easy, but with so many demands on our time and resources, it can be a challenge. So, how do we find happiness in a relationshipùwhen there are two people who want and deserve to be happy? Help is here, from a beloved (and blissfully married) lifestyle philosopher whose books and lectures on personal contentment have helped millions and whose popular Happiness Weekends are filled with dating singles, newlyweds, and long-married couples. In brief, readable essays rich in wisdom, practical strategies, and humor, Alexandra Stoddard shows how two people can be happy together, not at each other's expense. Alexandra's essays help couples make personal happiness a priority ('Encourage each other to do something every day that will boost happiness'), connect in simple, powerful ways ('Give the gift of eye contact'), share decisions ('A home has no boss'), set family priorities ('Don't let children control you'), expand your horizons ('Encourage adventure'), be grateful for each other ('Treat each encounter as though it could be your last'), and have fun ('Live a little!'). Perfect for couples to read alone or together, Happiness for Two brims with useful ideas to help us 'love and live happy.'


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