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SKYMATES II: The Composite Chart

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Forrest, Steven & Forrest, Jodie
Seven Paws Press
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A person whose life drifts away from the 'blueprint' of his or her birthchart grows dull, flat and depressed. It is the same for a couple--if their life together departs from the spirit of their composite chart, their relationship runs out of gas. They stop talking. Sex evaporates. They would rather watch TV than gaze into each other's eyes. In Skymates II: The Composite Chart, the Forrests give you all the tools you need to explore this powerful astrological technique--theory, real-life practical examples, and an extensive 'cookbook' section where you can jumpstart your interpretations by looking up the precise meaning of any configuration. In the first volume of Skymates, they showed us how to compare charts. Now, they take it a step further, proving that the whole is always greater than the sum of the parts. --'A book made for anyone who dreams of having a match made in the heavens! I can't recommend it highly enough.'--Trudie Styler, actress, producer, U.N. Ambassador for Unicef.--'The Forrests make their science and their art accessible to us all, and provide avenues of growth far deeper than reflection or even psychotherapy could provide...this book is a must-have for anyone doing the spiritual work of relationships.'--Tracy Gaudet, M.D., Director, Duke Center for Integrative Medicine


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