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SCHOOL RENEWAL: A Spiritual Journey For Change

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Finser, Torin M
Steiner Books
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In today's educational crisis, many people are coming to realize that there is far more to a school than imparting knowledge and skills to children. Schools are communities, and like all communities, they can be healthy or unhealthy. School Renewal speaks to the problems and challenges of a school community. Using fairy tales, myths, and personal experience within the Waldorf method of education, Torin Finser describes how teachers and parents can handle such common problems as burnout, personal conflicts, and falling into routine.Most importantly, Finser stresses, an educational community must address the many unseen dimensions of each human being. He shows how these little-understood aspects of the mind can be cultivated and nourished to keep school life alive.School Renewal does not offer formulas and slapdash solutions. Instead it encourages a whole new way of thinking about education and personal growth, both for children and the adults who care about them.


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